Attendance Policies
- ATTENDANCE/TARDY POLICY change beginning October 1, 2024
Attendance (REVISED 10/01/2024)
Parents are asked to cooperate in minimizing absences. However, please do not send your child to school if they have exhibited symptoms of pink eye, head lice, fever or vomiting within 24 hours. On days students are absent, a parent or guardian must call at (951) 657-5226 by 9:00 A.M. State the following clearly:
1. The student’s name and grade
2. The reason for the student’s absence (if medical, please clarify condition).
3. Upon the return of the student, a dated, written excuse with the same information as requested in the phone call is required from the parent or guardian and must be presented to the teacher.
4. If a medical professional saw the child, a note from that professional must be presented along with any special instructions or limitations. Medical absences for three or more days must be accompanied by a dated doctor’s note upon return.
Students are expected to be present and on time for all school days and all classes throughout the year. School hours are from 7:45 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. daily. Minimum days end at Noon. Students absent for the school day, or the day before a weekend, may not participate in school related extracurricular events (sports, dances, competitions, etc.) until they return to their academic program. Exceptions based on “just cause” can only be made by the Principal.
Students may arrive no earlier than 7:30 A.M unless they are signed up for the morning care program beginning at 6:30 A.M/7:00 A.M. Drive through drop off for students begins at 7:30 A.M. and ends with the gates closing at 7:50 A.M. 2024-25. All foreseen absences are to be cleared through the school office. Students absent more than 6 school days per trimester without a doctor's excuse, or other comparable professional excuse, may be asked to withdraw from the school. The final decision rests with the Principal.
NOTE: Early dismissal without medical necessity is considered an unexcused absence for either half or whole day. Please do not take your child out of class unless necessary as this disrupts both the child’s education and that of the classroom.
Tardies (REVISED 10/01/2024)
A student arriving late to class is taking away learning time from themselves and other students. Understanding that occasionally problems occur which cause a student to be late, St. James Catholic School will allow up to five (5) tardies per student within each trimester.
● A student is tardy if he/she is not present by 7:50 A.M.
● Students not present by 7:50 A.M. will receive a tardy slip from the office.
● An excused tardy is given only with a dated verification of a Medical/Dental appointment.
● Three tardies are equivalent to one full day absence.
The parent of any student tardy over the five allowed each trimester will be required to pay $10.00 per excessive tardy. This will be assessed to the parents for each student’s tardy over 5 at each trimester. Billing for excessive tardies will occur at the end of each trimester and becomes part of the parents’ financial obligation that month. Students who are tardy are subject to a loss of Conduct points. Note: Habitual tardiness can result in expulsion according to Diocesan guidelines. (See Suspension/Expulsion -- Diocesan Policy #5206.1, a copy can be obtained at the school office).
Excused Absences
Students are legally credited for attendance when time is spent in medical and dental appointments. Verification of such appointments is required from the medical or dental office. Parents are asked to keep such absences to a minimum. Work missed from verified absences may be made up as follows: assignments due on the day of absence are due immediately upon return; work assigned during the absence is due within the equivalent number of days absent. In addition to a medically verified absence, students may be absent due to non-medically verified illness, accident, quarantine, legal proceedings, or attendance at the funeral services of a member of the student’s family. In such cases of short absence the student may make up the schoolwork missed as stated above. Work is generally not given in advance of an anticipated absence, but is assigned and completed upon return. If the illness or accident is such that an extended long-term absence is needed, the parent must contact the office for arrangements to be determined.
Unexcused Absences
The following are unexcused and can result in disciplinary action and the inability to make up missed work (determined by the teacher in consultation with the principal):
● No phone call on the day of initial absence or on subsequent days not yet clarified
● No note on the day of return
● Personal absences not pre-approved by the Principal*
● Truancies (any student who is absent from school without a valid excuse is truant)
● Truants of more than three days, or who are tardy without a valid excuse by at least 30 minutes on four or more days in a single year, may be reported to the attendance office of the local public-school district and may be asked to leave St. James Catholic School. A student tardy more than 30 minutes without a valid excuse is considered absent and unexcused.
* Personal absences must be avoided. These are absences or early dismissals requested by the parent for personal reasons but do not meet the criteria for an excused absence. The Principal must pre-approve all personal absences requested in writing as being in the student’s educational best interest and is generally done in consultation with the teacher. The principal reserves the right not to excuse such an absence in any student’s individual case depending on the individual circumstances involved. Those that are approved are because of a clear and compelling educational and pastoral reason as determined by the Principal. As each child’s progress is different, no one case must be construed as a precedent for excusing another child’s absence. The Principal is the sole determinant of such permission on each case individually. Excessive Absences may lead to non-promotion of the child. Any child absent 6 days or more in any one trimester, or who is absent 18 days or more in any one academic year, may be considered ineligible for promotion to the next grade at the sole discretion of the Principal.
Absences and Extra-Curricular Activities: Students absent for the school day, or the day before a weekend, may not participate in school related extra-curricular events (sports, dances, competitions, etc.) until they return to their academic program. Exceptions based on “just cause” can only be made by the Principal.
*NOTE: Habitual tardiness can result in expulsion according to Diocesan guidelines (see Suspension/Expulsion-Diocesan Policy #5206.1)
To Report Absences / Tardies
Call & leave a message 951-657-5226 or Email [email protected]
Give your child's name, teacher and the reason for the absence or tardy.
Early Dismissal
Students are to bring notes requesting early dismissal to the school office before school. Parents or an authorized adult must come into the office to sign the student out.