Student Programs
The St. James Catholic School Choir is open to students in grades 3rd to 8th. These students meet after school once per week to prepare for the weekly school liturgy. The school hosts the 11am parish Mass once per month, and the school choir is also invited to sing during these celebrations. ALTAR SERVERS
St. James Catholic School Altar Serving is open to students in grades 4th to 8th. These students must have made their Catholic sacraments. Students who participate are selected to provide altar serving for the weekly school Mass. STUDENT COUNCIL
St. James Catholic School has a system of student government whereby student commissioners from 5th through 8th grades are elected by the student body to perform a variety of responsible functions. This enables students to experience leadership and citizenship opportunities. A staff member acts as coordinator for the program. A student’s continued participation on the Student Council is at the discretion of the administration. |